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SAP ECC Full Form and Difference Between SAP ECC & SAP HANA?

SAP ECC Full Form

SAP ECC Full Form and Difference Between SAP ECC and SAP HANA

What is the Full Form of SAP ECC? 

SAP ECC stands for SAP ERP Central Component is the most commonly used ERP software and is optimized for financial, HR, and other important modules. Materials management, equipment maintenance, and plant production are often managed by manufacturing experts with expertise.

SAP ERP stands for SAP’s Enterprise Resource Planning and is an application that can be used alongside a third-party DB such as Oracle or IBM DB2. It’s part of SAP’s legacy applications which were originally designed to run on these types of back-end systems.

ECC full form in SAP is ERP Central Component is SAP’s former Enterprise Resource Planning software. It includes modules for all sorts of industries, such as finance, logistics and HR, as well as customer service.

What is SAP ECC?

SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) is SAP’s old enterprise resource planning software. It provides the following modules: finance, logistics, HR, product planning and customer service.

What Is SAP Business Suite?

SAP Business Suite is a set of applications that help to manage many common business processes. It can help you manage different operations, including.

What Are The Differences Between SAP ECC and SAP HANA?

One of the biggest differences between SAP ECC and HANA is the way they handle data. All accounting information has been unified, so there’s a single universal journal rather than different ones for different areas of your business.


SAP’s HANA software provides a tool for managing warehousing data. It also has an all-in-one data managing and analytical platform that accounts for data from many different sources. As the range of its capabilities increases, it is becoming more and more popular.

HANA can operate as an on-premises, cloud, or hybrid system. It provides a wide variety of modules such as:

What is SAP Consulting?

The Future of SAP ECC?

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