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What is CAD? Advantages and Disadvantages of CA

advantages of cad

Advantages of CAD & benefits of Computer-Aided Design

What Is CAD?

CAD, short for computer-aided design, is a technique used by professionals in engineering and design who work with electronic, mechanical or civil entities. It has been around since the 1950s and has been constantly evolving since then. It is essentially a combination of two words: “computer” and “aided.” CAD software allows the user to create 3D models and other information about a product before it is built or manufactured.

Benefits of Computer-Aided Design

Here are a few reasons why CAD CAM Software might be a good idea for your Designers to use:

1. Streamline Design Process

2. Better Quality Design

3. Simplify Communication

4. Number of Documentations

5. Database Manufacturing

6. Design Data Saved


CAD has many Advantages and a few Disadvantages

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